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Mowlem Primary

Butterfly Awards

Our children are awarded certificates and badges that reflect the five values of Mowlem school:

Butterfly Words


Awards at the Y5 Assembly: Autumn 1 Term 2023

Collaboration: Amelia has demonstrated her commitment to a common vision, values and clear goals, she works well with every member of the class and will ensure she and others around her are always following the school's behaviour goals of being ready, respectful and safe.

Leadership:  Mihran has shown signs of great leadership skills. He is an attentive listener who take the time to think everything through before making decisions. his team spirit shines through during sports where he ensures all members of his team are happy and cooperating. he remains calm in any given situation and will resolve any difference fairly.

Achievement:  Abdullahi has made great strides in his achievement since starting at our school. He has made huge progress in all areas of the curriculum through his eagerness and positive attitude towards his learning.

Creativity: Sabil has a natural zeal and zest to learn, helping her gain more knowledge and information to further aid her creativity. she is a creative thinker whom often poses questions to deepen her own thoughts and understanding whilst stimulating that of others in class.

Inspiration:  Ziyad's positive behaviour serves as an inspiration to all those around him. he works diligently in class and does not allow himself to be distracted by others. Ziyad will work through his class work with great modesty, challenging himself to overcome any hurdles he faces.


Awards at the Nursery Assembly: Summer 1 Term 2022

Collaboration: Yasa always ensures his peers are included when they play indoor and outdoor. he is confident and is willing to learn.

Leadership:  Nusaybah is able to play with her peers in whole class guided groups. she is a good role model to those in the class. she sets good examples of how to share and use the resources appropriately.

Achievement:  Asiya has made a nice group of friends who she plays well with. she has made significant progress when reading a story during whole class session. she is able to recognise the common exception words.

Creativity: Sareen uses her imagination in different areas. she uses resources to make models.

Inspiration:  Eva always sets good example on how to care for others. she helps new children to settle by including them in her play. she has grown in confidence since starting Nursery and has shown improvement in her writing.


Awards at the Reception Assembly: Summer 1 Term 2022

Collaboration: Ameerah has many friends and is able to play with all members of the class. they demonstrate how to take turns and include all children in their play. She enjoys maths and, in the provision, they can always be found exploring numbers. She also like the role play area where they show off their brilliant imagination. She engages in the activities set out appropriately and encourage other children to do the same. She is always ready on the carpet for learning and set a good example for the other children in Reception.

Leadership:  Yusuf H is a kind and caring child who will always make sure everyone in the class is happy. He takes great care and pride in his work and will help others understand the learning and support then where needed. He takes in everything that has been taught and are great at explaining their knowledge especially in shared reading where he predicts what might happens next. He is interested in nature and the outside and can often be relaying interesting facts to the class about animals and insects.

Achievement:  Adam has excelled in all areas of the curriculum, particularly in their reading where he can recognise most of the sounds including diagraphs and trigraphs and blend them together to read words. he is able to write simple sentences independently using the strategies we have learnt in class. He is always ready for learning on the carpet and engages with all subjects.

Creativity: Yaqoub is always in the construction area where he uses his imagination to create and build models. he has a passion for dinosaurs and will often build zoos to house the toys in. He has a breadth of knowledge about animals and is keen to share facts he has learnt or heard with the class. He has an amazing imagination and is great at making up games in the roleplay area where he includes all children in their play.

Inspiration:  Sumeyah is a great role model in class, particularly at carpet times. she sets an excellent example to the other children. she has made significant progress in their phonics in Reception. she can recognise most of the single sounds and some diagraphs. she is beginning to use the sounds to read words and write simple sentences. she has shown great determination and should be extremely proud of themselves.



Awards at the Reception Assembly: Summer Term 2022

Collaboration: Shayan has many friends and is able to take turns, share and communicate well with them. They really enjoy the construction area and spends extended periods of time building models, where he invites others to help him and then create stories around the models they have created.

Leadership:  Eliza is a kind and caring child who will always make sure everyone in the class is happy.  They take great care and pride in their work and will help others understand the learning and support them until they understand. Such as recently she explained to others the importance of turning the tap off after washing your hands so you do not waste water.  They take in everything that has been taught and is great at explaining their knowledge especially in shared reading and predicting what might happen next.

Achievement:  Musa has excelled in all areas of the curriculum. He talks confidently when playing and learning, explaining exactly what they know about the subject. He is a great friend to all and ensures all his friends are happy and have someone to play with in the Nursery.

Creativity: Mia is often in the creative table or mark making producing some fantastic drawings, writing and artwork for her friends, family and teachers. She writes her name beautifully on her work and is beginning to write other words, she then shows them off proudly. She is very creative with her thinking and works with an end product in mind. Recently she created a piece of art about her family and explained " I did different colours as people have different colour skin and hair, but we are all the same and all special".

Inspiration:  Hanna & Liyana both these children are great role model in class, especially at carpet times. Where they show that they are ready to learn by sitting with their hands in their laps watching the person who is speaking. They enjoy sharing their knowledge with the rest of the class and speaks clearly explaining what they know, helping others to understand. They have great enthusiasm for learning and all they do and always take care and pride in their work.


Awards at the Y1 Assembly: Spring Term 2022

Collaboration: Saad has many friends, he is able to demonstrate to others turn taking and sharing. He communicates his ideas well to his friends. He enjoys the home corner and will often ask other members of the class to join him. he has also made good progress in his writing and is keen to show others what he as achieved.

Leadership:  Inayah is a caring and friendly child, she will ensure that all other children are happy and have someone to play with. she takes great care in her work and will often help others with theirs. she is alays ready for learning on the carpet and is keen to demonstrate what good behaviour looks like. she oftern plays in the home corner and will include other children in her games

Achievement:  Aazil has progressed in all areas of the curriculum. in particular he has shown improvement in his writing. He is segmenting and blending more independently when he is reading. He is a lovely friend to all and is keen to make sure all his friends are happy and have someone to play with in Reception.

Creativity: Elanna is often in the creative area or writing area mark making. She has made some brilliant drawings and speaks with great confidence when explaining what she has made. She will often take what we have learnt on the carpet and incorporate it into her work. She is always looking for ways she can extend her drawings, she will use her phonics sound mat to help her write what he has drawn.

Inspiration:  Nusra is an excellent role model to the rest of the class. She is always sat ready for learning on the carpet. She is putting her thinking thumb up when she knows the answer and she speaks confidently and clearly to explain herself. She shows great eagerness to learning and she takes pride in her work.


Awards at the Year 4 Assembly: 27th May 2021

Collaboration: Zaynah is a great team player who is very supportive of other children in our class. She also takes an active role in group work and has been able to model what a successful talk partner should do. 

Leadership: Hannah has set a fantastic example of what makes a good leader in the way that she continues to display exemplary behaviour and considers the opinions of others before presenting her own views.

Achievement:  Isa has displayed increasing confidence when speaking and reading aloud. His achievement in maths and English has been noticed by all and we are sure with his determination, he will continue to do well. 

Creativity: Ambrose is very creative and artistic. We are also really impressed with the way he is able to confidently articulate his ideas, particularly in English and history. 

Inspiration: Nusaybais an ambitious writer who has been able to think out of the box to engage her readers. She takes pride in her work and can successfully include a range of language features in her writing. 


Awards at the Year 3 Assembly: 20th May 2021

Collaboration: Ferdi I would like to recognise this child for his positive energy and enthusiasm that he imparts and as a result, uplifts the spirits of his fellow peers and the adults in the class. He is kind and gracious-even in defeat and always sees the positives in any given situation, for that reason I would like to award Ferdi with the collaboration award.

Leadership: Yusra  For this award I would like to quote the famous Vince Lombardi who states that “leaders are madethey are not bornThey are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” This statement is a true reflection of this child’s hard work, effort and determination which certainly deserves to be recognised! Well done, Yusra.

Achievement:  Sophia This child has worked hard in all areas and as a result has made some great strides in her learning. The attitude and effort she has placed towards learning and improving in her performance is truly commendable, which is why I would like to award her with the butterfly for achievement-well done Sophia.

Creativity: Anita This child has really turned a corner this term and has impressed me with a can-do- attitude, which has meant that as a class we have benefitted from her creative ideas and contributions. She readily makes connections to the range of stories she has read which has helped enrich learning and the class environment. I am awarding the creativity butterfly to Anita.

Inspiration:  Danyaal I would like to recognise this child for the effort and dedication he has shown during the home learning period.  This child’s dedication and unwavering commitment towards his learning during such a challenging time is truly inspirational and he continues to show exemplary attitude towards every aspect of the school day. Well done, Danyaal.


Awards at the Year 1 Assembly: Spring 2020

Collaboration: Aleesha. She is incredibly kind and caring. She has a positive approach to her learning and works well with everyone in the class. She is willing to help others and we can always rely on her to make the right decisions.

Leadership: Ziya is someone who sets a good example for all her peers. She is confident and inquisitive, never afraid to share her observations. She works well with others and always tries to make sure everyone is on task.

Achievement: Ayaan has really surprised everyone with his dedication and enthusiasm for learning. His phonics has improved tremendously which in turn has helped his writing and reading. He is always joining in class discussions and is confident in his maths skills.

Creativity: Adnan has an amazing imagination that enriches class discussions. He always tries to think outside the box and thinks of creative solutions to different problems.

Inspiration: Miguel has only joined us recently but he has really settled in well. He is an inspiration to his peer because of his work ethic and his maturity.


Awards at the Year 5 Assembly: Spring 2019

Achievement - Yasir He has a really positive attitude towards his learning and will always go beyond all expectations to ensure he meets his objectives.

Leadership - Farhan He has shown great leadership skills this term. As an inquisitive learner, he often asks meaningful questions to deepen his own understanding and will share this with his entire group. He has a very competitive nature and will ensure that all members of his group carry out their delegated tasks. 

Inspiration - Ahmed He has been a real inspiration this term. He has shown a great deal of maturity and helped others when they most needed.  

Collaboration - Isshaq He is never phased by whom he has to work with and will always conduct himself in a calm manner. 

Creativity-  Halimah She has demonstrated through her most recent artwork that with greater focus and attention she is able to apply her understanding of certain concepts and produce intricate pieces of work. 


Awards at the Year 1 Assembly: Spring 2019

Inspiration – Maryam She is enthusiastic and hard working. She is a great example of someone who perseveres and tries her best even when she finds something difficult. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand around the class and to her peers and she inspires others to do the same.  

Creativity – Sophia Sophia is a very imaginative person and this comes across strongly in her writing. She takes great care and pride in her art work and will take the time to make sure it is the best it could be. Sophia has an eye for detail and can use different media to create lovely pieces of work. 

Achievement – Ferdi We are very proud of how well he has settled in the class. He has made progress in all areas but we are particularly impressed with his progress in his phonics. He has a can do attitude and is never afraid to have a go. 

Leadership – Daniyaal He is very considerate and polite to other children. he always stays focused on the task at hand and reminds the children he is working with to stay on task as well. He is an excellent role model and does a great job of leading by example. 

Collaboration – Jamisha She works well with all of the children in the class. She is always polite, thoughtful, and positive in her interactions with both adults and children, both in the classroom and the playground. She is generous, willing to help others and we can always rely on her to make the right decisions. 


Awards at the Year 3 Assembly: Spring 2019

Inspiration – Rup This award goes to a child who has recently joined Mowlem. He has settled in really well and shown a terrific attitude to his learning. He is growing in confidence all the time and has made fantastic progress, particularly in English and Maths.

Creativity – Aaeesha This award goes a child who has impressed me with her lovely drawings and wonderfully creative stories. She always takes pride in her work and draws inspiration from her learning to create beautiful pieces of work.

Achievement – Hassan Ali This award goes to a child who has made amazing progress while at Mowlem. His handwriting and presentation has significantly improved and his comments and questions during lessons demonstrate curiosity and a deep understanding of the learning. 

Leadership – Sultan This award goes to a child who brims with confidence and is never shy to get his opinion across. His love for learning makes him a joy to teach and his comments often help move the learning forward. He often sets a good example and his overall attitude makes him an asset to the class. 

Collaboration – Fariha This award goes to a child who always works well with her partner or as part of a group. She always gets her ideas across politely and makes those around her feel comfortable. Her positive attitude and kind nature makes her a pleasure to teach. 


Awards at the Nursery Assembly: Spring 2019

Achievement - Amelia This child has gained so much confidence in themselves and their learning since being in the Nursery. She is now an independent learner! She takes in everything she has learnt and is able to put it into practice.

Leadership - Umar He enjoys creating role play games within the home corner and the outside which he invites all his friends to join in with. Recently he has enjoyed building towers with various different construction materials, which he invites others to join in and help him create the tallest tower. 

Inspiration - Aleena This child is a great role model to all her friends. She is always well behaved, listens exceptionally well and puts new learning into practice. Others in the class look up to her for help and for her to share her understanding. 

Collaboration - Ayaan This child now can take turns, share and communicate well with his friends. He is building secure friendships in the class. This child enjoys building models and using them in his roleplay which he invites others to join in with. 

Creativity-  Jennet This child can choreograph her own dances and make up her own songs! She moves in rhythm to music and confidently sings well known songs. She joins others in her play, where they put on performances. She compliments others on their singing and dancing and always has nice things to say about everyone. 


Awards at the Reception Assembly: Spring 2019

Achievement - Ziya She arrives at school every day very keen to learn. She demonstrates fantastic understanding and surprises us all with such a wide range of knowledge. She is always eager to produce beautiful writing and would count for you all day if she could! This child is a wonderful friend, not only to children in Reception but those in Nursery too. She has impressed us with how quickly her English has improved this year and how much she loves to learn. We are very proud of her hard work. 

Leadership - Yayha He is an excellent example of expected behaviour at school. he plays very nicely with his friends, encourages his peers to make the right choices and takes great pride in being a positive influence within the classroom. He speaks to everybody in the school with perfect manners and his kindness and selflessness does not go unnoticed. He is always ready to learn and has made fantastic progress so far this year. his smile brightens up the room.  

Inspiration - Fawzia This award is going to a wonderfully bubbly character in our class. She has made and is continuing to make amazing progress this year in all areas of learning. Her laughter is infectious and she has great ability to lift the mood when she enters the room, especially when showing off her dance moves! She is a true reflection of hard work and resilience and we are very grateful to have her in our class. 

Collaboration - Luciana She is a friend to all children in our class. She is extremely thoughtful and caring and takes great pleasure in helping both her peers and adults at school. She demonstrates outstanding behaviour at all times and is a fantastic influence on her peers. She only joined our class in January, but it feels as though she was always here and we are very glad she joined us. 

Creativity - Adnan The creativity award is going to somebody that is fantastic at using his imagination in his play. Every story that he tells and every model that he builds have a clear thought process behind them that he is able to articulate beautifully. He loves to create models with his friends and has excellent patience and turn taking skills. He has lovely manners, is very respectful and follows our class rules at all times. he takes notice of his surroundings and asks wonderful questions about the world. We love hearing what he will say next. 


Awards at the Year Two Assembly: Spring 2019

Inspiration  - Amin He has always set an example for the whole class with his inspirational mannerism and work ethic. He always completes his work to the best of his ability which is evident in the excellent pieces of work that he creates. He is an inspiration and a credit to his class as well as the school.

Leadership - Zaynah She is a naturally born leader who is always keen and willing to share her ideas with the class. She is always the first to come and help those in need and supports them with their learning in and out of the classroom. She has is kind and caring towards everybody and always makes sure that everyone around her is happy.

Creativity – Ambrose His knowledge of the world around him has always meant that he is able to share really interesting things with the class. He is very creative in his expression and vocabulary which means that he is able to come up with creative ideas for his writing. In addition he is always willing to work with all his classmates and creates a lovely learning environment for the class.

Achievement – Nusaybah Her confidence and attention to detail has meant that she has really progressed across all areas if the curriculum. Her writing and her maths has really improved and she is always striving to produce outstanding pieces of work. She was able to learn all her words to the song and was able to sing so beautifully which inspired the other pupils in the class to follow her lead!

Collaboration – Shakibah She is an absolute pleasure to have in the class as she is always coming up with great ideas and she is able to collaborate and share her ideas with the rest of the class. Her work has really improved across all areas of working and she is continually working towards achieving her very best.


Awards at the Year Three Assembly: Autumn 2018 

Inspiration – Honey This award goes to a child who is a fantastic role model to other members of her class. She always tries to do her best in her learning and takes great care and pride in her work. 

Creativity – Salma This award goes a child who has impressed and amazed the class with his lovely detailed artwork. He made a wonderful monster using modelling clay and painted it beautifully. 

Achievement – Emiliana This award goes to a child who has recently joined Mowlem. She has settled in really well and shown a terrific attitude to her learning. Her kind and considerate manner make her an asset to the class. 

Leadership – Yusef Abbati This award goes to a child who has grown in confidence and maturity. He often sets a very good example to others in the class and his love for learning makes him a joy to teach. .

Collaboration – Umayrah This award goes to a child who always works well with her partner or as part of a group. She always gets her ideas across politely and makes those around her feel comfortable. Her positive attitude makes her a pleasure to teach.


Awards at the Year Four Assembly: Autumn 2018 

Leadership- Enaya This award goes to Enaya whose assertive yet quiet approach has meant that she able to steer group work in the right direction. She has demonstrated excellent leadership qualities through her hard work and positive attitude which is why she has had fantastic start to the academic year.

Creativity- Orla This award goes to Orla whose vivid imagination means that she often shares her creative and unique thoughts and ideas to class discussions which has really enriched the learning environment for the whole class.

Collaboration-Rafi This award goes to Rafi who does not hesitate to participate and work with other children in order to get the best outcome. His amazing attitude in class has had a positive impact with his peers as well as with his own learning.

Achievement- Alqasim This award goes Alqasim who has shown an eagerness to learn and develop by engaging with all aspects of his learning. He has shone in maths where he has shown great determination and persistence in order to get to an answer.

Inspiration- Isra This award goes to Isra who has made a positive start to the year, her selfless acts of kindness in helping others in class has inspired other children to help each other that bit more.


Awards at the Year Five Assembly (20th September): Autumn 1 2018 

Leadership - Sumaya She has demonstrated that she can channel her enthusiasm and confidence positively to fulfil a greater cause. She leads by example and uses her own initiative to lead in activities by sharing her knowledge and listening to others.

Creativity - Ahmed He has a real creative flare; he is able to think outside the realms of the classroom and generate his own ideas using his imagination. He takes great pride in his work, readily sharing it with the class.

Inspiration - Jamel He is a real inspiration to everyone in class; he is an excellent role-model and is always on hand to help his class peers.  He has a great deal of empathy and is a calming influence to all those around him.

Collaboration - Jack He encompasses all the qualities of someone who is able to work collaboratively with others; either in the classroom or in the playground. Joining the school in September, he has really made his mark by setting a great example of good behaviour which I’m certain is set to continue further into the future.

Achievement - Isshaq He has already begun to make excellent progress in his learning across the curriculum, particularly in Reading and Maths.  He has a really positive attitude towards his learning and actively takes part in class discussions leading him to develop his own thoughts and ideas. 

Awards at the EYFS Assembly (14th June): Summer 2 2018

Leadership - Aqeedah (Nursery) - She enjoys creating role play games within the home corner and the outside which she invites all her friends to join in with. Recently she created a big house outside and had some children be the three little pigs and she played the part of the big bad wolf, retelling the story.

                     M’d Ibrahim (Reception)  - He is happy to take the lead in play but also expands on ideas of his friends and involves them in his work and play.


Creativity - Aleesha (Nursery) - She is an artist! She creates beautiful drawings and has a great talent at adding fine detail to her work. She is able to share with confidence about what she has drawn building stories around her pictures.  

                     Adyan (Reception)He is extremely creative in every aspect of his work, whether it is solving a maths problem or constructing something new with junk modelling.


Inspiration - Jabir (Nursery) - has gained the confidence to approach others and join in with their games. He knows wrong from right and is now able to turn take and share with his friends.

                    Skylah (Reception)  – She always bring a smile to Reception and a lot much laughter. It is her last day and we are going to miss her very much.


Collaboration - Tahmeed (Nursery)He is able to take turns, share and communicate well with his friends. He enjoys building models and using them in his roleplay which he invites others to join in with.

                     Fahimda (Reception) She is always listening to her friends, taking in their ideas and using them individually and to develop group work and play.


Achievement - Lamisha (Nursery) - She has gained so much confidence in herself and her learning since being in the Nursery. She is now very independent at each area of the classroom and enjoys taking part in all subjects.

                    Tahira (Reception)She has been trying very hard and has come a long way since starting Reception. She has made improvements in shared writing and phonics.


Awards at the Year Three Assembly (29th March): Summer 1 2018 

Leadership - Darcy She is never shy to voice her opinions and takes responsibility and command for many classroom tasks. She is helpful and polite and always tries her best for herself and the rest of the class. 

Creativity - Rayan He always makes an effort to make his learning eye catching and interesting. He has created many beautiful posters and his ideas inspire others in the class. 

Inspiration - Ayaan R He has made amazing progress in his learning, especially in maths and literacy. He has grown in confidence and sets an excellent example to the other children in the class with his behaviour and attitude to learning. 

Collaboration - Ismail He plays with others in the class in a kind and considerate way. He is thoughtful and caring in his actions and makes choices which benefit the rest of the class as well as himself. 

Achievement - Yusrah She consistently works very hard and has excelled across the curriculum. Her handwriting is beautiful and her work always shows great pride.


Awards at the Year One Assembly (8th February): Spring 1 2018

Leadership - Mariam - She uses her initiative and is very organised and helpful. She is good at managing members of her group especially in PE. 

Creativity - Nusaybah - She is a very imaginative person and this comes across strongly in her writing and her art work. She takes great care and pride in her work.  

Inspiration - Isa - He has really impressed everyone with his boost in confidence across all areas of the curriculum but especially during carpet time, becoming more confident with sharing his ideas with the class. 

Collaboration - Ambrose - He is a happy and positive member of the class. He can settle disagreements quickly and effectively.  

Achievement - Shakiba - She has worked really hard in all areas but particularly for her writing. Her stories are interesting and engaging and she has made immense progress in phonics, which she can apply confidently in her work. 

Awards at the Year Three Assembly (1st February): Spring 1 2018

Leadership - Dru - This award goes to Dru for always setting such a good example in class and being so mature and sensible. 

Creativity - Archy - This award goes to Archy for always showing enthusiasm in art lessons. He has shown great artistic flair and is able to bring a story to life with this beautiful drawings. 

Inspiration - Natalie - This award goes to Natalie for always being a fantastic role model to not only other members of her class but to the rest of the school. 

Collaboration - Saddika - This award goes to Saddika for always working well as part of a team and getting her ideas across in such a kind and considerate way. 

Achievement - Nahiyan - This award goes to Nahiyan for making such fantastic progress in his learning. He always tries his best and makes excellent contributions to class discussions. 

Awards at the Year Four Assembly (25th January): Spring 1 2018

Leadership - Marziya - Marziya demonstrates qualities that are needed in a leader.  Her positive attitude and quiet determination are infectious.  She never fails to rise to any challenge.  Well done, Marziya.

Creativity - Roxy - Roxy consistently demonstrates her artistic flair by producing beautifully presented work in all subjects.  She has created amazing pieces of artwork because of her eye for detail and her vivid imagination.

Inspiration - Farhan - Farhan approaches all his learning with enthusiasm and determination.  He is inspirational because he actively seeks to learn and likes to be challenged not only in Maths, a subject he really enjoys, but also in English which is why he has progressed so well.

Collaboration - Jumaima - Jumaima works extremely well with other members of the class, often sharing her original and insightful views, whilst also respecting and encouraging the ideas of others.  She is a valuable member of the class and the school.

Achievement - Mahbob - Mahbob has made really good progress this term.  He shows a positive attitude towards his learning which has enabled him to achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.  Mahbob has begun to take great care in his handwriting and presentation.  Well done.

Awards at the Year Five Assembly (18th January): Spring 1 2018

Leadership - Daniyal - He has consistently shown fantastic leadership qualities. He always remains a calm, friendly influence for everyone. He offers help and consistently shows a hard-working attitude to his work.

Creativity - Tanzeela - This is awarded for the number of creative and different ideas this person comes up with. She has a unique take on all topics and entertains us all with her ideas.

Inspiration - Samiya - For being an impeccable role model and a fantastic friend to everyone. She shows great determination and resilience, a brilliant attitude to work and has made great progress already this term.

Collaboration - Zubayr - This is awarded for his ability to work well with anyone. He is ready to share his unique ideas with his peers and is able to talk through problems and explain his thoughts clearly.

Achievement - Taibah - This is for excellent achievement in all topics across the curriculum. This child has shown a commitment to learning and has applied herself extremely well. She makes every effort to finish whatever is put in front of her to a high standard. 

Awards at the Year Four Assembly (6th July): Summer 2 2017

Leadership - Samia I - She has demonstrated great leadership skills through her hard work and positive attitude all year. Every time she is given a task to do she does it with a smile on her face. One example of this is the PowerPoint she created (at home) for this assembly. 

Creativity - Maryam - She is a very talented artist. She has an eye for both colour and detail and can use a variety of media to create amazing pieces of work. 

Inspiration - Nora - She is determined and hard working. She is at her most determined when playing sports which she has a natural talent for. She works well as part of a team and has a great attitude towards sportsmanship. 

Collaboration - Zahra - She works collaboratively with others in the class in order to achieve any outcome. She is always considerate of other people's ideas and asks relevant questions. She is a valued member of Class 4 and a friend to everyone. 

Achievement - Rashed  - He has made a huge effort this term. He has worked so hard to make the right choices and it's because of this that he has made good progress across the curriculum. It is a pleasure to have him in Class 4.  

Awards at the Year Two Assembly (22nd June): Summer 2 2017

Leadership - Nahiyan - For showing a big improvement in sharing ideas and becoming more confident when working with a group.  He confidently discusses things with other children and applies his ideas in his work.

Creativity - Yusrah - For having great ideas in English, topic and science and applying them across the curriculum, for example her recent non-chronological report about habitats which was very interesting to read.

Inspiration - Isa - Over the year Isa has shown a big improvement in his approach to school.  He now takes responsibility for his actions and understands the impact they have on himself and others.  As a result he has made great progress, especially over the summer term.

Collaboration - Nashita - She works well with many different children and can share ideas to produce great work, both individually and in small groups.

Achievement - Ismail  - He has made huge progress this year, especially during the Spring and Summer terms.  He tackles tasks independently with enthusiasm and his improved understanding was evident during his recent SATs tests. 


Awards at the Reception Assembly (15th June): Summer 2 2017

Leadership - Ambrose - For supporting his friends in making the right choices and helping them when they need some assistance in the role play area. 

Creativity - Nusaybah - For spending long periods of time at the creative area when she produces very detailed pieces of work ranging from drawings of her family members to other topic related drawings such as dinosaurs. 

Inspiration - Jannat - She has only been in the school for a short time but she has already made friends with her peers as well as forming relationships with the adults in the EYFS. She takes part in all activities and tries her hardest at all times.  

Collaboration - Mariam - For working collaboratively with her friends in particular in the outdoors and role-playing a variety of activities such as building a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff. 

Achievement - Ismail  - For accessing the writing area and beginning to independently mark make for a range of purposes. 


Awards at the Nursery Assembly (15th June): Summer 2 2017

Leadership - Yusuf - He sets himself up in an area of the Nursery - he enjoys the construction area particularly - he then includes all other children that come into that area. He lets them join in his play or shows them what to do.   

Creativity - Riley - He is very creative and enjoys using different resources and the junk modelling to build something to go with his role play. Whilst role playing pirates he recently made a sword and a treasure map and used these with a group of children to save the buried treasure from the pirates. 

Inspiration - Anita - She is an inspiration to all others. She is very hard working and always strives to do her best in all that she does. She applies all her prior learning in her work and is now reading and writing simple sentences independently. 

Collaboration - Sophia - She will happily play with anyone in the early years environment. She has many friends - she is good at turn taking and sharing and always makes sure others get a turn too. She seeks out children who are on their own and gets them to join in her games to make sure they are alright. 

Achievement - Zahid  - This child has made so much progress since the start of the year. He applies all that he has learnt in his independent play. He uses his phonic knowledge in his reading and writing. 


Awards at the Year Four Assembly (22nd April): Summer 1 2017

Inspiration - Humaira is a role model for us all. She always has a positive attitude, even when things get tricky. She is reliable, organised and shows great determination in all of learning challenges. 

Creativity - Tahmed has shown great pride and creative flare, in art lessons this term. We have all been impressed by his attitude towards his art work and have enjoyed seeing him make decisions about his work with care and thoughtfulness. 

Achievement - Anisa has made huge progress in all of her learning so far in year 4. She takes feedback seriously and always uses her green pen to improve and upgrade her work. This is most evident in her extended writing. 

Leadership - Yaasir posses all of the qualities it takes to be a great leader. He is organised, conscientious and decisive. He can always be relied upon to help out when he is needed. 

Collaboration - Insanna is well liked by everyone in Class 4. She is polite, empathetic and respectful of others. She works well as part of a team and is encouraging when times get tricky for her peers.


Awards at the Year Six Assembly (16th March): Spring 2 2017

Achievement - Nafisha has made remarkable progress in her learning this term and is an excellent example of how listening and remaining focused in lessons can impact hugely on your success and achievements. She takes on board the feedback given by the teachers in class and ensures she applies that in all aspects of her learning. Her positive approach has not only resulted in her success in learning but also gaining greater confidence both in and out of class.

Leadership - Muhima possesses many wonderful leadership qualities. She has demonstrated that through making positive changes and thinking of others first you are able to make a difference to the outcome of whatever you set your mind to. She helps her peers and teachers at all times and her popularity secured her a place as house captain.

Inspiration - Khadeejah is a truly inspirational young person. Her determination to contribute towards a greater cause saw her take to the streets of 10 Downing Street to demonstrate against the war in Syria. She understands her role as a global citizen and appreciates that there are those around the world who are less fortunate than her.

Creativity - Redwan is a very creative thinker who is able to apply his creative thinking within different contexts. In science he is able to pose well thought out questions and draw conclusions based on an observation. In reading he is able to use his imagination to make predictions about a text relating it to other literature.

Collaboration -
Faaizah has a real flare and aptitude for working collaboratively with others.  She encourages and supports all those she works with and is always courteous and polite which ensures that she and all those she works with completes a task successfully and to a high standard.

Awards at the Year Five Assembly: Spring 1 2017

Inspiration: For being an impeccable role model, an active member of the school council and a fantastic friend to everyone. She shows great determination and resilience, a brilliant attitude to work and offers great contributions within class. Great job Zaynab.

Creativity: This is awarded for the number of creative and different ideas this person comes up with. He has a unique take on all topics and entertains us all with his ideas. Well done Rohan.

Achievement: This is for excellent achievement in both Maths and English. This child has shown a commitment to learning and has applied herself extremely well. She is making superb progress academically and has worked really hard to complete work individually. Well done Faiza.

Leadership: This person has consistently shown fantastic leadership qualities. He always remains a calm, friendly influence for everyone. He offers help and consistently shows a hard-working attitude to his work and presentation. Well done Shahan.

Collaboration: This is awarded for her ability to work well with anyone. She is helpful, caring and respectful. She is always ready to lend a help inside and outside of the classroom to whoever needs it, applying this to her role as a peer mentor. Thank you Jabiyah.

Awards at the EYFS Assembly: Nursery, Spring 1 2017

Achievement - Adam is now settled well in the Nursery. He has become focused on his learning and enjoys learning new things. He independently accesses the different areas of the environment, especially enjoying the construction area where he builds tall towers. In each area he interacts well with the others around him.

Leadership - Ibrahim has a great interest in ships and pirates and he happily shares his knowledge and understanding with his friends. He builds up role play games around this theme, creating props for his play. He will always let others join in with his games, creating new roles in the game for everyone to join in. He contributes well at carpet and small group times, modelling to others what they should do.

Inspiration - Maryam shows a great example of how you should constantly behave with in Nursery. She reminds others of correct behaviours and everyone looks to this child to do the right thing. She has beautiful manners, which she consistently uses and is always complimented. Because she is always listening well she has learnt and picked up lots of new skills which she then applies independently in her play.

Collaboration - Maria will happily play with anyone in the early years environment. She has many friends, maybe because she is very good at turn taking and sharing and always makes sure others get a turn too. She seeks out children that are on their own or upset and makes sure they are alright, making sure that the person has a smile on their face when she leaves them.  

Creativity - Mihraan is very creative and an example of this is creating beautiful drawings, paintings and junk models. He takes pride of his work and always does his best in all he does. He is also are very talented at singing and creating his own dance moves and balances in PE which he happily shares and has others copy.

Awards at the EYFS Assembly: Reception, Spring 1 2017

Inspiration - Shakiba for being an inspiration to her peers by modelling excellent behaviour at all times. 

Creativity - Fahmida for producing imaginative paintings and drawings in the creative area as well as engaging in original role play activities with her friends. 

Collaboration - Safwan for beginning to engage with his peers and allowing his friends to join in with his play.

Achievement - Adnan for accessing the writing area and beginning to independently write numbers and words for pleasure 

Leadership - Saima for supporting her friends in making the right choices and helping them when they need some assistance in their reading or writing. 


Awards at the Year Four Assembly: 8th February 2017

Inspiration:  Humaira is a role model for us all. She always has a positive attitude, even when things get tricky. She is reliable, organised and shows great determination in all of learning challenges. Well done Humaira!

Creativity: Tahmed has shown great pride and creative flare, in art lessons this term. We have all been impressed by his attitude towards his art work and have enjoyed seeing him make decisions about his work with care and thoughtfulness.  Well done Tahmed!

Achievement: Anisa has made huge progress in all of her learning, so far in year 4. She takes feedback seriously and always uses her green pen to improve and upgrade her work. This is most evident in her extended writing. Great job Anisa!

Leadership: Yaasir possesses all of the qualities it takes to be a great leader. He is organised, conscientious and decisive. He can always be relied upon to help out when he is needed. Keep it up Yaasir!

Collaboration: Insanna is well liked by everyone in class 4. She is polite, empathetic and respectful of others. She works well as part of a team and is encouraging when times get tricky for her peers. Thank you Insanna!


Awards at the Year Three Assembly, Autumn 2016

Achievement - Jumaima for making such fantastic progress in her learning. She always tries her best and makes excellent contributions to class discussions. 

Creativity - Jamel for always showing enthusiasm in art lessons. He has shown great artistic flair and is able to bring a story to life with his beautiful drawings. 

Inspiration - Marziya for always being a fantastic role model to not only other members of her class but  also to the rest of the school. 

Leadership - Sumaiya for always setting such a good example in class and being so mature and sensible 

Collaboration - Tasnim for always working well as part of a team and getting her ideas across in such a kind and considerate way. 


Awards at the Year Four Assembly, Autumn 2016

Inspiration - Zahra is an impeccable role model and always shows great pride in everything she does in the classroom. She shows great determination and resilience when she's faced with a challenge. 

Creativity - Zubayr This is awarded for how much we have all been entertained by the writing he produces. he uses imaginative vocabulary and has a talent for play script writing. 

Achievement - Samia for excellent achievement in maths. She has shown an outstanding commitment to her maths learning and can think through her calculations carefully. She is able to explain how she works through a problem really clearly. 

Leadership - Daniyal who has really impressed so far. He has shown fantastic leadership qualities and takes our class charter very seriously. He is an excellent role model to everyone in Class 4. 

Collaboration - Nabiha  This is awarded for her ability to work well with anyone. She is helpful, caring and respectful. She is always ready to lend a hand inside and outside of the classroom. 


Awards at the EYFS Assembly: Nursery, 16th June 2016

Achievement: Imtiaz has grown in confidence and is now able to access all areas of the environment independently. He is involving himself within group and class activities and has made some close friendships. 

Collaboration: Eva has grown into a confident and happy member of the class. She has made many friends and is able to build fantastic role plays with them. Eva ensures that no one is left out and everyone takes a turn. 

Leadership: Mahdi always makes others feel proud of what they have done with comments such as "very good and well done" when his peers share their knowledge in group and class activities. He takes time to help and support others and has made lots of special friends because of the support he gives to others.

Creativity: Fahmida is applying great care and thought in her work. She does each piece with beautiful presentation and is able to explain in detail what she has created, drawn or written. She has a great imagination and will spend extended periods of time creating role plays and stories with her friends. 

Inspiration: Ra'nell is a great example of how you should behave in nursery. He reminds others of the correct behaviours and everyone looks to him to do the right thing. Ra'nell always contributes positive in class time and shares his amazing ideas.


Awards at the EYFS Assembly: Reception, 16th June 2016

Achievement: Jett has developed a passion for writing and independently choosing to write a range of high frequency words in a context meaningful to him

Collaboration: Hakeem is able to share his ideas with his peers in a positive manner when it comes to building in the creative area and when he goes outside. Hakeem displays enthusiasm when playing with his friends in nursery and reception. 

Leadership: Amaan for displaying qualities of a mathematician and sharing his string subject knowledge with all his friends. 

Creativity: Forida for choosing to access the creative area and using a range of art materials for her projects. 

Inspiration: Maryam for demonstrating the school values at all times during independent and guided learning. 


Awards at the Year One Assembly, 26th May 2016

Achievement: Romeesa has shown improvement in all areas but she has particularly grown in confidence. She takes charge of her own learning and is not afraid to share her ideas during carpet sessions.  

Collaboration: Saddika has positive relationships with all the members of Year 1. She contributes during group work and likes to share her ideas on the carpet. She works and plays well with other children in both the classroom and the playground. 

Leadership: Jaideep always tries his best whatever the task. He is thoughtful, always taking other children's feelings into consideration and he enjoys helping others.

Creativity: Orla puts thought and care into her work. She comes up with interesting ideas for her writing and pays careful attention to vocabulary to make her work engaging for the reader.

Inspiration: Jahid  has an extremely positive and upbeat attitude. He has interesting ideas to share and always tackles tasks with a smile on his face.  

Awards at the Year Five Assembly, April 2016

Achievement: Evangeline Her achievement in all areas of the curriculum this term has truly been remarkable. As well as making excellent progress in all subjects she has also excelled in sports and recently got selected by Sharks swimming club to join their team. 

Collaboration: Nahima works collaboratively with others in her class in order to achieve a goal She is always fair and encourages others to participate and take turns. 

Leadership: Khadeejah has demonstrated great leadership skills through her perseverance to see tasks through to completion. She always tries her best in everything she does and makes decisions which benefit her whole group.

Creativity: Nabilah Her creativity has shone through in her writing, she is able to add her own ideas to a story and uses ambitious vocabulary to make her writing truly interesting and engaging for the reader.

Inspiration: Hamim  His 'I can' attitude and ability to tackle problems without the fear of failure is truly inspirational. He approaches problems with a positive attitude and does not shy away from contributing his ideas and opinions. 


Awards at the Year One Assembly, Spring Term 2016

Achievement: Omer For always trying his best in lessons and starting to confidently ask and answer questions during carpet sessions. 

Collaboration: Isra For showing great team spirit and always being ready to lend a helping hand.

Leadership: Rayan For showing excellent leadership skills during group work and supporting other children.

Creativity: Archy For always having great ideas, producing beautiful pieces of artwork and taking great care in his work.  

Inspiration: Nashita For an admirable attitude that inspires the whole class every day, giving the rest of the group the opportunity to follow her as a role model.


Awards at the Year Two Assembly, Spring Term 2016

Achievement: Tahmed A For an excellent improvement in reading and being able to talk about what he has read in different ways

Collaboration: Jumaima Always on hand to support others in the classroom or playground.

Leadership: Mahbob A very popular member of the class who leads by example and helps others when needed 

Creativity: Hassan Always offering interesting new ideas about ways to do things and then trying his best in different lessons

Inspiration: Humza Since joining the school has settled into Mowlem really well and become a popular member of the class quickly


Awards at the Reception Assembly, Spring Term 2016

Achievement: Fatima For taking a risk and not giving up. Fatima was shown how to use the climbing wall by and adult and was eager to complete it. She walked across the wall independently 

Collaboration: Yahya For working well with his friends. Yahya has developed a wonderful friendship with the other children in the class and he plays positively with them at all times, making and building a range of items in the construction area.

Leadership: Maryam For showing other children how to be kind and caring. Maryam is always a model pupil and she enjoys nothing more than being a positive role model to others and helping her friends.

Creativity: Abid For making models using Lego. Abid is very keen to build a range of models using Lego - from an aeroplane to a park. He plays well with the other children and supports them in their buildings as well.

Inspiration: Khadijah For making amazing progress in her reading. Khadijah has developed a passion for reading. She now reads books independently and support other children by reading to them in the book corner. 


Awards at the Nursery Assembly, Spring Term 2016

Achievement: Emmeline has grown in confidence and is now able to access all areas of the environment independently. She always works with a smile on her face and is creating amazing pieces of work which she is very proud of.

Collaboration: Ahdaf will happily play with anyone in the Early Years environment. Ahnaf has many friends because he is very good at turn taking and sharing and always makes sure others get a turn too.

Leadership: Sofia happily shares what she knows with her friends and will always join others in to her games. She joins in well at carpet and small group times, sharing her knowledge and understanding.

Creativity: Rhode is very creative. Some examples of this are the beautiful drawings, paintings and stories she creates. She is also very talented at singing and creates her own dance moves to the songs she sings.

Inspiration: Taseen is a great example of how you should constantly behave in nursery. Taseen reminds others of the correct behaviours and everyone looks to Taseen to do the right thing.