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Mowlem Primary


Our computing curriculum is designed to ensure that each child in Mowlem will be computer literate in every core area of computing (computer science, digital literacy and information technology).

Our children are computer literate in the digital age and our aim is enable them to be makers with digital technology rather than just consumers.

Through a challenging Computing Curriculum, our children will become fluent at using computing technology as a creative tool. The use of technology in this way will deepen children’s learning and raise attainment across the curriculum.

The aim of the Computing Curriculum is to provide staff and children with sufficient, high quality and up-to- date IT resources for teaching and learning. Through the teaching of Computing we equip children, parents and staff with the tools to keep themselves and others safe whilst online.

Code Club and the ‘Digital Leader’ roles provide enrichment and enjoyment of the subject and inspire pupils for the continuation of the ‘Digital Age’.

Tasks are designed to ignite children’s curiosity and conclude that computing provides a solution to a wide range of problems. Enrichment, guests and practitioners outline the fact that computing is a way in to the future, representing a chance for every child to succeed and make progress. The goal is by the end of the primary school journey, children will be confident around the different areas of computing, finding solutions, building a resolve from debugging and problem solving and provide the foundations for future coders, from the creativity sparked from their time in primary school. Finally, through online safety, children by the end of the year can be trusted members of the online world, that are proficient with google searches, can look discerningly upon different websites and make decisions on the information they consume and finally be trusted to behave sensibly and kindly towards others online.

Essential characteristics of effective coders and users of technology

  • Competence in coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects.
  • The ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity.
  • An understanding of the connected nature of devices.
  • The ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum.
  • The ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively


Computing Curriculum Overview 2023-2024

Computing Roadmap 


Computing in the Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, computing forms part of the learning children acquire under the ‘Understanding the World' branch of the Foundation Stage curriculum. They learn about technology, how things work.

Computing in the early years encourages your child to find out and identify the uses of everyday technology, such as office equipment, music keyboards, alarms and programmable toys. Children also practise what they have learnt by using the technology.

In early years computing they will gain a range of skills widely applicable in life, such as cognitive, coordination, literacy and numeracy skills.

The document below outlines in more detail the specific computing objectives within the Early Years curriculum, what it looks like in practice, and demonstrates the links between the Early Years and the KS1 Computing curriculum.   

Computing in the Early Years Foundation Stage 


Computing in Key Stage 1 and 2

The breadth of the Computing National Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. 


Create and debug simple programs.


Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.


Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. 


Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. 


Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. 


Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output. 


Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. 


Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. 


Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. 


Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information. 


Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.


Our computing curriculum is designed to enable a pupil to progress from novice to expert, enabling a child to develop each core skill from learning in their previous years.

Pupils are given a wide range of tasks that are accessible but have a high ceiling and enable pupils to utilise their creativity while giving them the chance to excel. 

Plans ensure a clear progression in the development of knowledge and skills. 

Children will be expected to be proficient with a range of different programmes and devices. For instance, taking an interest in multimedia with videoing and editing, to be given a purpose and ability to code on a range of different platforms and finally to be able to operate on different outputs and inputs such as microbits.


Learning Journeys 

Year 1

Au.1: We are treasure hunters (Solving problems using programming toys) 

Au.2: We are TV chefs (filming the steps of a recipe) 

Sp.1: We are digital artists (creating work inspired by artists) 

Sp.2: We are publishers (creating a multimedia eBook about our achievements 

Su.1: We are Rhythmic (creating sound patterns in ScratchJr and GarageBand) 

Su.2: We are detectives (using data to solve clues) 

Year 2

Au.1: We are astronauts (programming on screen in Scratch Jr) 

Au.2: We are games testers (working out the rules for a game) 

Sp.1: We are photographers (taking, selecting and editing digital images) 

Sp.2: We are safe researchers (researching a topic) 

Su.1: We are animators (creating a stop-motion animation) 

Su.2: We are Zoologists (collecting data about bugs) 

Year 3

Au.1: We are programmers (programming an animation) 

Au.2: We are bug fixers (finding and correcting bugs) 

Sp.1: We are presenters (videoing a presentation against a green screen) 

Sp.2: We are who we are (creating a range of media about ourselves) 

Su.1: We are co-authors (producing a Wiki) 

Su.2: We are opinion pollsters (collecting and analysing data) 

Year 4

Au.1: We are software developers (developing a simple game) 

Au.2: We are makers (coding for micro:bit)

Sp.1: We are musicians (creating a piece of music in GarageBand) 

Sp.2: We are bloggers (sharing experiences and opinions)

Su.1: We are artists (fusing geometry and art) 

Su.2: We are meteorologists (recording and presenting the weather) 

Year 5

Au.1: We are game developers (developing an interactive game) 

Au.2: We are cryptographers (cracking codes) 

Sp.1: We are architects (creating a virtual space) 

Sp.2: We are web developers (making sense of the Internet and building a website)

Su.1: We are adventure gamers (creating an interactive, multimedia adventure) 

Su.2: We are VR designers (learning about virtual reality) 

Year 6 

Au.1: We are toy makers (coding using micro:bit) 

Au.2: We are computational thinking (algorithms) 

Sp.1: We are AI developers (learning about machine learning) 

Sp.2: We are connected (social media)

Su.1: We are advertisers (making a short TV advert) 

Su.2: We are publishers (creating a year book) 


Digital Leaders

Year 3: Umar and Yusra J 
Year 4: Tahmeed and Amreen 
Year 5: Zahid, Yusra and Labiba
Year 6: Mahdi and Musaab 
The Role of a Digital Leader
  • encourage other children to have confidence in their own IT skills - listen to the teacher's instructions and support the children's learning
  • advise children on how to improve their own work - inspire children to want to know more about computing 
  • introduce new technical words for children - be patient, kind and encouraging