Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Our vision for the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages is for children to develop a love for languages through relevant knowledge and skill. We want children to immerse themselves in learning so that they can become global citizens. We teach French as a modern foreign language so that they can become prepared for a world that is constantly changing rapidly and where opportunities are provided for them to either study or work in countries beyond Europe.
We are committed to developing strong, lifelong linguistic skills and to encourage students to become curious and interested in the world. Ultimately, we want our students to have a love of languages and aim to achieve this by nurturing a linguistic curiosity and an intrinsic motivation to explore and respect other cultures and people. While we focus on the specific teaching of French at KS2, closely liaising with our partner high schools, we also hope to engage all of our learners in an understanding of other world languages through Focus Weeks and Language of the Month.
The goals of having pupils broaden their horizons, converse fluently with others, fully explore cultures and strengthen their economic prospects can only be reached if we build firm foundations of language learning. Only by mastering the basics can pupils engage fully in the process of language learning, which they can then use to communicate about an increasingly wide range of themes. With increasing linguistic ability, cultural awareness can become ever more refined. To improve learners’ understanding and production of language, a steady development in understanding of phonics, vocabulary, grammar and their interplay is needed - these are developed throughout the planned learning programme.
Essential characteristics of French speakers
- The confidence to speak with good intonation and pronunciation
- Fluency in reading
- Fluency and imagination in writing
- A strong awareness of the culture of the countries where the language is spoken
- A passion for languages and a commitment to the subject
- The ability to use language creatively and spontaneously
- An independence in their studies and the ability to draw upon a wide range of resources
French Curriculum Overview 2023-2024
French Roadmap
French in Key Stage 2
The breadth of the Science National Curriculum in Key Stage 2
In the chosen modern language:
French is taught weekly for 30 minutes by a specialist French teacher in Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6. We do not block our subjects as we want children to return regularly to the subject knowledge and concepts in order that they are regularly retrieving the taught knowledge and concepts, embedding these in their long term memory. This enables them to make progress - know more and remember more.
There is an emphasis on French phonics and constant engagement with syntax and vocabulary. Reading is the way that we introduce all new knowledge.
Our comprehensive scheme of work, ‘ilanguages’, supports the teaching of French across Key Stage Two. Ilanguages is a digital learning resource that is specifically designed for use by non-specialist language teachers, providing a clear progression to improve children’s understanding and production of language as well as a steady development in the understanding of phonics, vocabulary and grammar.