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Mowlem Primary

Wellbeing at home 

Self-care Summer packs

The Anna Freud Centre have created primary (and secondary) self-care summer packs to offer children some fun self-care summer activities. 

The Self-care Summer Primary pack is full of fun activities designed to help children look after their mental health and wellbeing while enjoying themselves. 

Click on the link below for the pack. Please email Julia at the school if you would like a printed copy. 

Self-Care Summer pack 



We know you may be spending a lot of time at home and miss spending time with your friends and family but take comfort in knowing that whatever your situation may be, there is a wide range of support available to help you through these challenging times.

The document below has lots of ideas and suggestions to promote wellbeing for the whole family. 

wellbeing page.pdf


Purple Watermelon


What is Purple Melon? 

Purple Watermelon is a site that provides engaging ideas, challenges, mindfulness and assemblies for parents.
We are not focused on academic literacy and maths based activities; we are attempting to offer engaging, fun and mindful ways to keep you and your children sane and happy through this crisis. We will, however, link in ideas for keeping basic literacy and maths skills alive.

Below are a list of further useful links:

Young Minds


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services




MIND in Tower Hamlets and Newham


Children and Adults Mental Health Project (CHAMP)


Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)




Children’s Centres


Leisure Centres (Because minds and bodies are interlinked)
